(Afgelast) Workshop: Stretch & Strength
Met: Docent(en): Sophie van Grinsven Aanvang: 14:00-16:30 Entree: Inschrijven gaat via Google Forms, zie "Prijzen en aanmelden" Locatie: Griftpark,Van Swindenstraat 129, 3503RJ Utrecht Instructies: Sessie: Contact: utrecht@balfolk.nl Meer info »
** English below ** The workshop will be in English if at least one person doesn’t speak Dutch. Alternatively, there will be a live translator.
Het actiegroepje van Balfolk Utrecht presenteert
Stretch & Strength – how to prolong your life as a dancer
We zijn weer terug met een buiten workshop die je solo kunt volgen. Deze workshop is één van de workshops van het geannuleerde voorjaarsprogramma. Dus mocht je toen verheugd hebben, dan is dit je kans! Stretch & Strength, eind deze zomer in het Griftpark. Inschrijven is verplicht.
Workshopbeschrijving (Engels)
Do you warm up before you dance? Do you stretch after a long night at a ball? Do you know how you can avoid injuries? If your answer is no, or you just do not know how to do any of these? Then this is the right workshop for you! In this workshop we will be making sure to prolong your life as a dancer, so you will be able to dance for the rest of your life, in a safe and healthy way.
In this outdoor workshop we will learn how to warm-up properly and, discover which muscles are essential to dance safely. We will gain insights on how to strengthen your muscles and why stretching is important for everybody, and not just only to become flexible 😉 . This workshop starts with listening to our body and what it needs. After warming up, we will do some strength exercises which are great for your posture, endurance and to also prevent knee and ankles injuries. We end the workshop by taking a good look in how to stretch safely and prevent stiffness in the joints.
Please be sure to bring a yoga mat (or large beach towel), warm clothing, a bottle of water and a banana (or something light and healthy to eat afterwards). It is important to avoid food in the hour prior to the workshop. If you have any questions, feel free to write a message/email, we willl gladly answer your questions!
IMPORTANT: This is an outdoor workshop, we hope for good weather, but it might rain during the workshop. We will not discontinue/cancel the workshop if it starts raining or rain is forecast.
Corona Regels
Hou 1,5m afstand. Breng je eigen drinken en eten mee. Zingen of schreeuwen is niet toegestaan. Betaal zoveel gepast mogelijk. Kom niet naar de workshop als je één van de volgende vragen met een ja kan beantwoorden. Kom ook niet als je twijfelt.
- Heb je de afgelopen 24 uur last van één of meerdere van de volgende klachten:
- Verkoudheidsklachten (zoals neusverkoudheid, loopneus, niezen, keelpijn)
- Hoesten
- Benauwdheid
- Koorts
- Plotseling verlies van reuk en/of smaak (zonder neusverstopping).
- Heb je een huisgenoot/gezinslid met koorts en/of benauwdheidsklachten?
- Heb je COVID-19 gehad en is dit in de afgelopen 7 dagen vastgesteld (met een laboratoriumtest)?
- Heb je een huisgenoot/gezinslid met het COVID-19 (vastgesteld met een laboratoriumtest) en heb je korter dan 14 dagen geleden contact gehad met deze huisgenoot/gezinslid terwijl die/zij/hij nog klachten had?
- Ben je in quarantaine omdat je direct contact hebt gehad met iemand waarbij het COVID-19 is vastgesteld? Of, heb je überhaupt direct contact gehad met iemand waarbij het COVID-19 is vastgesteld afgelopen 14 dagen?
Deze workshop is toegankelijk voor iedereen, ongeacht hun niveau of ervaring.
Over de Docent
Sophie van Grinsven werkt als docent an choreograaf binnen de wereld hedendaagse en improvisatie danse. Ze heeft veel ervaring met niet alleen hedendaagse dans doceren, maar ook klassiek ballet, ballroom, contactimprovisatie en mime. Ze zet haar uitgebreide achtergrond in om cursisten van alle leeftijden de vele wegen naar Rome te tonen. Met focus op zowel technische warden als artistieke vrijheid en uitdrukkingen hoopt ze dansers op te leiden tot breed onderlegde artiesten met het gereedschap om hun eigen stijl te creëren in de dans. Sophie leidt verschillende (improvisatie) dans projecten en streeft ernaar om iedereen een eerlijke kans te geven zich te leren uitdrukken met hun eigen krachten.
De workshop is 2.5 uur lang. Het programma:
13:45 – kassa gaat open
14:00 – de les begint
16:30 – einde les.
Fair Trade (Het Galette Prijsje)
Vind jij het belangrijk dat docenten en muzikanten eerlijk betaald worden? En, wil je dat Balfolk Utrecht kwaliteit levert? Neem dan Fair Trade! Want, goede docenten en muzikanten verdienen meer dan basic theebiscuits bij hun koffie. Verleid ze naar onze events met galettes. Daarom Fair Trade 🙂
De kosten voor deelname van deze workshop zijn
Regulier tarief €15,-
Fair-Trade tarief €17,- (Als je de eerlijke prijs wil betalen)
Kortingstarief €12,- (Als je te weinig besteden hebt).
Je betaalt contant aan het begin van de workshop.
Aanmelden gaat via Google Forms. Je ontvangt na inschrijven binnen enkele dagen een bevestiging per e-mail.
Newsletter & Other Questions
Do you have any questions or would you like to sign up for the newsletter? Contact us at utrecht@balfolk.nl
The Balfolk Utrecht team is proud to present
Stretch & Strength – how to prolong your life as a dancer
We are back with an outdoor workshop. The workshop is followed in solo. This workshop is one of the workshops of the canceled spring program. So if you were excited back then, then this is your chance! Stretch & Strength, at the end of this summer in the Griftpark. Registration is mandatory.
Workshop Description
Do you warm up before you dance? Do you stretch after a long night at a ball? Do you know how you can avoid injuries? If your answer is no, or you just do not know how to do any of these? Then this is the right workshop for you! In this workshop we will be making sure to prolong your life as a dancer, so you will be able to dance for the rest of your life, in a safe and healthy way.
In this outdoor workshop we will learn how to warm-up properly and, discover which muscles are essential to dance safely. We will gain insights on how to strengthen your muscles and why stretching is important for everybody, and not just only to become flexible 😉 . This workshop starts with listening to our body and what it needs. After warming up, we will do some strength exercises which are great for your posture, endurance and to also prevent knee and ankles injuries. We end the workshop by taking a good look in how to stretch safely and prevent stiffness in the joints.
Please be sure to bring a yoga mat (or large beach towel), warm clothing, a bottle of water and a banana (or something light and healthy to eat afterwards). It is important to avoid food in the hour prior to the workshop. If you have any questions, feel free to write a message/email, we willl gladly answer your questions!
IMPORTANT: This is an outdoor workshop, we hope for good weather, but it might rain during the workshop. We will not discontinue/cancel the workshop if it starts raining or rain is forecast.
Corona Regels
Keep 1,5m distacne. Bring your own drinks and food. Singing or screaming is not allowed. Pay exact change. Do not come to the workshop if you can answer yes to any of the following questions. If in doubt, do not come.
- Did you have any of the following in symptoms in the last 24 hours?
- Cold-like symptoms
- Coughing
- Shortness of breath
- Fever
- A sudden loss of smell or taste (without a stuffy nose).
- Do you have a housemate/family member with fever or shortness of breath?
- Did you have COVID-19 and test positive for it in a labtest in the last 7 seven days?
- Do you have a housemate/family member with COVID-19 and did you have contact with this housemate/ family member in the last 14 days while they/he/she still had symptoms?
- Are you in quarantine because you have been in contact with a housemate/family member who has been tested positive for COVID-19? Or, have you been in contact with someone who has been tested positive for COVID-19?
Workshop the Prerequisites
This workshop is suitable for everybody, regardless of their level and experience.
About the Teacher
Sophie van Grinsven works as a teacher and choreographer within the contemporary and improvisation dance world. She has plenty of experience teaching not only contemporary dance but also classical ballet, ballroom, contact improvisation and mime. Her extended background is put into action to show students of all ages the many ways to Rome in the world of the performance arts. Focusing on both technical values as well as artistic freedom and expression, she hopes to educate dancers to be well rounded performers with tools to create their own style within their dancing. Sophie leads various (improvisation) dance projects and strives to give everybody a fair chance to learn to express themselves through the performing arts within their own capacity and using their strengths.
Class Times
The workshop lasts for 2.5 hours. The class times are:
13:45 – cash register opens
14:00 – the lesson begins
16:30 – the lesson ends.
Fair Trade (The Galette Price)
Do you find it important to pay teachers and musicians a fair price? And, do you think that Balfolk Utrecht should continue to deliver high quality? Then buy Fair Trade! Because good teachers and musicians deserve more than basic tea biscuits with their coffee. Lure them to our events with galettes. Hence, Fair Trade 🙂
Participation costs for this workshop are:
Regular price €15,-
Fair-Trade price €17,- (If you want to pay the fair price)
Discount price €12,- (If you don’t have a lot to spend).
Payment is done in cash at start of the workshop.
Registration is done via Google Forms. You’ll recieve confirmation of your registration by e-mail within several days.
Newsletter & Other Questions
Do you have any questions or would you like to sign up for the newsletter? Contact us at utrecht@balfolk.nl