« Agenda

11-12-2020 | Bal

Afgelast – Balfolkcafé Groningen

Met: Wim te Groen (Nl) Docent(en): Aanvang: 19:30-23:00 Entree: Vrijwillige bijdrage voor de muzikant (richtprijs 5 Euro) Locatie: Oude Rooms Katholiek Ziekenhuis (ORKZ),
Emmastraat 15, 9722EW Groningen
Instructies: Ja, om 19.30 uur Sessie: Ja, neem je instrument mee Contact: balfolkcafe.groningen@gmail.com Meer info »

*** afgelast ivm Covid ***

From an early age, I’ve been making my own music. When I was around 15 years old we had a grand piano in the living room, which I more and more often started to play in secret. An addiction quickly developed. My background is classical music like Chopin and Beethoven, in which I took classes for 4 years; the rest I taught myself. Also Simeon Ten Holts music is my big favourite.

I came in contact with Balfolk around 2010, and start making music for balfolk around 2013. The strong connection between music and dance/movement appealed to me from the start. It inspired me to compose my own Balfolk works in the past years. Such a wonderful new world this opened for me. The new rhythms; the huge freedom in certain aspects. It gave me lots of inspiration. I love mellow tunes, disconants, fragile melodies and dynamics bringin passages to an climax. I also love variations in rytm, which results in a mazurka in 13, mazurka/scottish, hybride walzes in 8/5 and 5/11, gavotte de l`aven/wals and more.

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