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27-06-2020 | Overig

Bottasso invites #3. Naragonia

Met: Naragonia (Be) Docent(en): Aanvang: 17:00-20:30 Entree: € 15 (student € 8) It's possible to buy two seats next to each other with Duo ticket 30€. Locatie: Batavierhuis,
Pieter de Hoochweg 108, Rotterdam
Instructies: Sessie: Contact: Meer info »

I was supposed to meet Naragonia for a workshop and a concert in Belgium, but this got canceled few days before. Since the COVID restrictions in the Netherlands are lighter we thought of meeting in Batavierhuis to play a last-minute concert together.

Naragonia are Pascale Rubens and Toon Van Mierlo; they started playing together in 2003 revolutionizing the folk music scene of Flanders. They have composed tons of new melodies inspired by flemish and french traditional music.
They perform with an elegance and a passion that I rarely found elsewhere.

Pascale is one of the most talented Belgian diatonic accordion player (and she plays also the violin); Toon is a multi-instrumentalist specialized in the flemish bagpipe and diatonic accordion.

Come to discover Naragonia’s world of sweet emotions and pure melodies at Batavierhuis !

The idea of this series is to explore the combinations of trekharmonica (diatonic accordion) with other instruments, sounds, forms of art, and concepts and see how they can blend together. In each concert, there will be premieres of a new composition, written especially for the night.
This series is also a symbolic way to explore new (and dust off old) collaborations, friendships, give a new life to unfinished sketches and lost compositions, and definitely try to get back on stage with a renovated and healthy performance routine.

Er zijn 2 sets: één om 17h, één om 19.30h,
Er zijn max 30 mensen welkom in verband met de vereiste 1.5 m afstand,
it will be difficult to dance but at least you will enjoy the wonderful Naragonia.

Book your tickets on our website (we are limited to 30 places per set!)



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